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Monday, March 1, 2010

Topic #4

The article that I have chosen to use for this blog is about the growing of the cocoa plant in Peru. For years, Peru has been one of the leading countries in the production of coca plants whuch are used to make cocaine. However, in recent months, the price for cocoa has gone up and many farmers have replaced coca plants with cocoa plants for the production of chocolate.
By raising the prices of the cocoa plant, many farmers have recognized the open market. The market for the chocolate is much better than the market of coca. The market ia actually legal, and farmers can sell the plant at much better convience. This good news for the government because it lowers the production of the illegal drugs. Cocoa can also bring in money to the government to help better the country. This new cocoa idea needs to catch on. Governments can establish companies for this fast growing market and bring jobs to the country. This can cut down on the people leaving the country for better opportunities.
Looking at it from an American view, cocoa can help Peru as well as many other Latin American countries. Not only does it give the countries money for development, it cuts down on illegal drugs coming into our country. That problem is a big one for the USA right now because Columbia and Peru are the two leaders in the coca production. With the cocoa bringing in money and jobs, it will cut down on immigration into America.
Overall, this rise in the market is a good thing. This new market can bring much needed help to the governments of Latin American countries. Hopefully this idea catches on with many other countries to so that Latin America can reach the goals it wants to.